As you may have heard, some people are starting their Forkfest on Monday June 22nd instead of waiting for June 29th, which is the originally-promoted start date. Now that the Porcupine Freedom Festival has scaled back a bit, there's no longer a prohibition on camping at Rogers without a Porcfest ticket, which means that Forkfest can now happen during the Porcupine Freedom Festival, so that's what we're doing - going for a full two weeks. Will you be coming up anytime between Jun 22nd and July 5th? If so, we'll see you there.
If you'd like to connect with other Forkfesters, you can link to the unofficial Telegram chat and Forum at
如何自己搭建SSR/SS服务端教程:2021-4-18 · 之前博主写过关于搭建ss、outline的教程,但是篇幅相对较长,对于计算机完全小白的人来说,就算是简单的粘贴复制命令,他们都很头疼,根本无从下手,所以又写了这篇新文章,教你一键安装ss或ssr服务端,并提供后续的详细步骤。